
SKU: FW43080
PID: 29162246

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  • Regular price $ 50.00
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Fretwire is sold in 25' lengths (which is usually enough for about 6 guitars) and available in Nickel Silver or Stainless Steel.
Brass frets from days past have given way to today’s standard material, 18% nickel silver, also called “German Silver.” But even with 18% nickel silver, there are differences in hardness, tensile strength, surface quality, grain size, and other metallurgical properties that influence a fret’s quality, performance and feel.
Securely pressed into the fingerboard, the fret wire is the gateway between the musician and the instrument. It is one of the most critical components in the playing quality of the guitar. The interaction between the strings and frets determines the feel of the neck as much as the neck contour, fingerboard material, or finish.
Beyond 18% nickel silver, new alloys have been employed in the production of modern fret wire that dramatically improves the performance and aesthetics of the guitar. Stainless steel, with its greater hardness and tighter grain structure has much higher wear resistance for greater fret life. In addition, string bending is much smoother without the friction or grinding felt with traditional fret material.



 item #

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
FW43080 2.36 0.093  2.03 0.080 0.813 0.032 0.508  0.020 1.092 0.043 0.508 0.020
FW47090 2.99 0.118 2.286 0.090 0.889 0.035 0.533 0.021 1.193 0.047 0.508 0.020
FW47104  2.743 0.108  2.641 0.104 0.914 0.036 0.508  0.020 1.193 0.047 0.558 0.022
FW43080-S  2.36 0.093 2.03 0.080 0.813 0.032 0.508 0.020 1.092 0.043 0.508 0.020
FW47104-S 2.743 0.108 2.641 0.104 0.914 0.036 0.508 0.020 1.193 0.047 0.558 0.022